Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Big Brother 9

Is there anyone out there that loves this show like i do?? tonight was AWESOME!


Emily Clare said...

Em you are talking our language. Michael and I are complete addicts! We tivo it and watch every episode. Who is your favorite?

LeAnne said...

I almost always watch Big Brother. This season I haven't been able to get to it. dang it! Man, I miss the drama. There is usually a summer season so maybe then. Some of my most favorite reality "stars" are from Big Brother past.

LeAnne said...

I was wondering about the Dr. Dobson book you are reading. I was going to order that one and instead went with the book I am reading:
Setting Limits with Your Strong-Willed Child... by Robert J. MacKenzie Ed.D.
THIS IS A FABULOUS BOOK but I think I still want to read Dr. Dobson's book.