Tuesday, May 20, 2008

photography biz

well, better late than never i guess. i have sat down to finally create the blog for my photography. however, i dont even know how to title it. i cant decide on a name for my business. i really need to nail this down so i can move forward.. order business cards, get a licence, etc. so here are a few of my ideas, in no particular order:
Ceravolo Photography
edc photography (my initials)
bella vita images or bella vita pictures (it means "beautiful life")
Any thoughts? i'm wide open for opinions on these names and suggestions for different names. Please help!!!


holly said...

I'm big on the Italian named businesses...mine is "Ciao Bella" which means "Hello Beatiful." So I like "Bella Vita Photography." I know that wasn't a choice, but thought I'd throw that out there ;) Good luck!

Amy said...

I like holly's suggestion, I wsa thinking the same thing! I really like Bella Vita, it has a nice ring to it.

annieck said...

I like Holly's suggestion too. Holly, is there a fee for that suggestion? ;)

LeAnne said...

Can I get on board with everyone else? I really like Bella Vita and Bella Vita Photography has a really nice "ring" to it. I'm so excited for you!!!

Hillary @ The Other Mama said...

I vote for the initials or the Bella Vita one-