Monday, June 16, 2008

My Little Actress

Since the temperatures are already in the nineties, we usually wait until LATE in the day to go after dinner. Tonight, the girls and I were outside. They were playing in the front yard while I watched from the porch swing. Elizabeth had picked up a paint brush that Mike left out and was pretending to paint the fence. When she came back up on the porch I asked her where the paintbrush was. This was our conversation:
Elizabeth: "Mom, did you see the good job I did on the fence?"
Me: "Yes, baby. Now where did you put the paintbrush?"
Elizabeth: "It's over there on the gate."
Me: "Well you need to put it back on the bucket where you found it."
Elizabeth: "Welll.. Robert, my prince, doesn't want me to."
Me: "Well, I'm your mother, and you must do what I tell you."
Elizabeth: "Oh, no, mom. I have to listen to what my prince wants me to do."

Oh no.. I think we're in trouble!!

This was the next conversation as she was picking leaves off a nearby bush (much like a young girl would pick the petals off of a flower while saying 'he loves me, he loves me not'. However, this was Elizabeth's version:

"Good hair day. Bad hair day. Good hair day. Bad hair day. GOOD HAIR DAY! Yay..I LOVE good hair days!"

HaHa! WHERE does she come up with this stuff? And what would a THREE year old know about a good hair day?? And I know she's never heard those words from ME, considering that my hair is in a ponytail most days!!


Amy said...

Now, that's just hilarious! What a little actress!

Hillary @ The Other Mama said...

Yeah- I have NO IDEA where she would come up with good or bad hair day! ha!
I'm so glad you're writing this stuff down! It's too funny!

Donna said...

Your baby girl has the funniest quotes! What a doll!

holly said...

THAT is great! Sounds like she belongs to me!

Mel said...

I love reading the latest Elizabeth-isms. She is hysterical. I hope you guys come to visit this summer. I just know Emily and Ava would have the greatest time together!

Unknown said...

she surely does come up with some stuff! i know she gets alot of it from mike..but we know this one does not come from him! haha...she is a little character